
 Keep talking shit
I’m not going to listen
Watch the sun glisten
As I sleep one More time
As the bell did chime
Death and soon to forget
Just know I didn’t quit
Lies you spewed
Lives ruined
You are the cause of the Fued
You are filled with guilt
On the lies you built
No longer Present
Moon of crescent
Gone back to soil
As the world does toil
You will always Regret
And That’s KARMA

 ©️ 2023 Mary Robbins


Nightmares and screams
Nothing is as it seems
Something wicked this way come
People, get ready to run
Spinal chills
Cold does linger
Screw the cheap thrills
Staying stagnant kills
Keep pointing the finger
Pray those dreams don’t come true
Away from here and the shrew.
Darkness gathers
Everything curse
Everything shatters
No longer safe on earth

 © 2022 Mary Robbins

Two Poems

Falling Through The Cracks I speak my words with power and grace But the pen is mightier than my voice Yet those who need to hear them most ...