
Living life day by day
You only live once people say
Wrong You Only Die Once Yet Live Everyday
Under Tyranny and Dictatorship, no one can see
My mind screaming let us be free

People in power set the Rules and Laws
With so many flaws
Injustice and no peace
Murders do increase

Cops are the new Tyrants
Can't fight back and can't defend
Life as we know it comes to an end
Cops are the governments' Giants

Everyone is a target in 2021
Yet media only shows one side
Here I sit wanting to hide
To me, everything is finished and done

Eutopia out of sight
people holding on tight
The tunnel is dark there is no light
Society is in so much plight

Right versus the Wrong
Bullies sing the same old song
Victims will continue to lose
Due to the bullies ruse

I will not bow or take that knee
Tyranny does not deserve to win
Letting evil conquer is a sin
Listen now we're getting the third degree

There's always going to be a complaint
Until the higher power gets wiser
Such is a life full of taint
People have on their visor

People have been handicapped
They scream when you get capped
Yet do nothing when you're strapped
Facing it in the end we all feel trapped

©2021 By M. Robbins

Two Poems

Falling Through The Cracks I speak my words with power and grace But the pen is mightier than my voice Yet those who need to hear them most ...