
Friends are just a word, however,
It means a lot to one who has none.
Friends are like flowers, they blossom and bloom,
Into something special, but for a moment,
Just a moment could wilt and die, and lead to doom.
Friends are just people, however having an equal, would bring so much fun.
Even with just one, is more to do, and get things done.

I only say this because I have few,
For the few I have, that is all I need,
Because these friends are true,
Friends come in different races, heights, and weights.
Friends like these are something great.
Friends can come in three or more,
however, for me, this is just right, to have four.

I have room for more,
but you have to be special, to get my attention.
You must like poetry and art, or some kind of sport,
 just some of the things I think I should mention.

Friends are friends, no matter the extension,
No matter the race, religion, or size,
to realize trueness in one's eyes
Is to be granted a special prize,
this will stick to you, through the ends of time.
This is true, what is on every person's mind. This word extends

© M. Robbins

Written in 2005

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