Hectic Life

 Hectic life

Words are thrown left and right,
Fists are held onto very tight.
Anger emerges which is out of sight,
If it were out of mind it would be a delight.

Death arises from the ashes,
While preppy girls bat their lashes.
And husbands go through car crashes,
While wives live their whole lives as titan clashes.

Heaven forbid you to wish to move,
While mommy makes a new wall hole groove.
Shouting what are we trying to prove,
Nothing Dude!

It is tempting to pick up the knife,
While holding onto your strife.
Just to end this hectic life.

© M. Robbins

Written in 2007

I can't quite remember what was going on at that time in my life. All I do know is it was quite hectic...

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