Ruined Christmas

 I wrote this in 2002

Ruined Christmas

Another year comes and goes,
With ribbons and bows.
However, not for me, not even a little key,
Neither for him nor for her.
No dreams of a dancing sugar plum,
Just some scotch and some rum.
Take the sorrow and the pain,
Replace the snow with the rain.
For this one year, I wish to hide my tears,
I care too deeply I also share my fears.
I hate this Christmas and him,
It is too much of a sin.
Thoughts on my mind,
Hate love death and murder, at this time.
The joy the happiness you will not find there,
Gloom and poorness with a slight smell of blood is here.
He did this to the people he stays with,
His heart is cold and just about one width.
I want my joy and happiness, along with the blissfulness,
However, that could never be for he has,
Ruined Christmas

© M. Robbins

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